Visit of Delegation from European Union to India (Research & Innovation Section)

Home > International Lectures and Events > Visit of Delegation from European Union to India (Research & Innovation Section)

Brief: Graphic Era deemed to be University welcomes the delegation from European Union to India, Embassy of the Netherlands, Embassay of the Switzerland, Embassy of France and CNRS Bureau in India to understand bilateral and multilateral funding opportunities and collaborative research calls/schemes as well as fellowship programme so that researchers, faculty members of GEU could take part in the EU-India research programmes.

Date: 25 November, 2022

Sponsored by: Graphic Era (Deemed to be University)

Invited Guests: 

  • Mr. Peirrick FILLON-ASHIDA, First Counsellor and Head of Research & Innovation, European Union to India
  • Dr. Vivek Vitthalrao DHAM, Advisor – Research & Innovation, European Union to India
  • Dr. Srinivas KAVERI, Director, CNRS, Embassy of France in India
  • Dr. Meenakshi SINGH, Scientific Coordinator, Embassy of France in India
  • Ms. Sandra KALIDEN, Innovation Attache, Embassy of the Netherlands
  • Mr. Abhi MALIK, Asst Innovation Officer, Embassy of the Netherlands
  • Dr. Indraneel GHOSE, Sr. Thematic Advisor for education, research and innovation, Embassy of the Switzerland
  • Dr. Patrick CREHAN, EU Biofeul expert, Bussels