Visit of Delegation from Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom

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Brief: Graphic Era deemed to be University welcomes Dr. Rachelle Viader Knowles, Dr. Patsy Perry, Prof. Joe Duffy, Prof. Rachel Kelly & Ms. Prachi Hajela to discuss on collaborative activities to be carried on between the two universities. The professors also interacted with the students and provided them the insight of MMU.

Date: 08 November, 2023

Sponsored by: Graphic Era (Deemed to be University)

Invited Guests:

  • Dr. Rachelle Viader Knowles, Head of International
  • Dr. Patsy Perry, Reader in Fashion Marketing
  • Prof. Joe Duffy, Senior Lecturer, Film Making
  • Prof. Rachel Kelly, Senior Lecturer, Design Department
  • Ms. Prachi Hajela, Country Manager, India