Dr. Rajesh P Verma | Faculty | Aerospace Engineering

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Dr. Rajesh P Verma


  • Fatigue, Fracture mechanics, Failure analysis for aerospace and structural applications
  • Solid mechanics, Structural dynamics
  • Materials and design, Mechanical behaviour, Dissimilar metal joining, Process modelling
  • Nanomaterials: characterization and applicability to enhanced system’s performance


  • Ph. D., Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology (NIT)-Allahabad)


  • Associate Member, IE (India)

Dr. Rajesh P Verma is a passionate academic and mentor with broad experience in academic growth and innovation, enhancement of outcome-based education, and providing students with hands-on experience. He holds Ph.D and M.Tech degree from Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology-Allahabad. He has graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Institution of Engineers (I), Kolkata. Dr. Verma has been affiliated with the Graphic Era Deemed to be University since October 1, 2010.

As a teacher, he has always placed the importance of experiential learning and holistic strategies at high value to prepare students ready for real-world challenges. At the undergraduate and postgraduate levels, he is teaching a variety of foundational and advanced subjects, including Mechanics, Materials for Aerospace, Structure Design, Fracture Mechanics, Finite Element Methods, Manufacturing Automation etc. As a supervisor, Dr. Verma has supervised a number of M.Tech and Ph.D dissertations. He is also an active reviewer of many referred journals and conference proceedings.

ORCID: 0000-0002-6284-2348