Dr. Manisha Nanda | Faculty | Department of Biosciences

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Associate Professor
Dr. Manisha Nanda


  • Microbial fuel cell (MFC), Electrochemical and Optical biosensors
  • Phytoremediation, Microbial Heavy Metal Bioremediation.


  • Ph. D (Biotechnology), H.N.B. Garhwal (Central)University, Srinagar, Garhwal, Uttarakhand.
  • M. Sc. Biotechnology, H.N.B. Garhwal (Central)University, Srinagar, Garhwal, Uttarakhand.
  • B.Sc. Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, Haryana.


  • Received USERC Young Women Scientist Achievement Award-2022 by Uttarakhand Science Education & Research Centre (USERC) – Department of Information & Science Technology, Govt. of Uttarakhand.
  • Recognized as a Mentor for students in submitting projects for Social Entrepreneurship Swachhta & Rural Engagement cell (SESREC) cluster level competitions (Feb. 2021) organized by Mahatma Gandhi National Council for Rural Education (MGNCRE), Ministry of Education, Govt. of India.
  • Participated as an expert at Peopel’s Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia in the year 2021 in a Research Project, Algae based technologies as an alternative for bacterial disinfection and reducing micro-contamination of wastewater and its integration with the production of valuable products.
  • Resource Person in one-day Hands-on training, Helixomania “Discovering the Science of Biotechnology”, held on 11-05-2012, organized by Department of Biotechnology, Dolphin (PG) institute of Biomedical and Natural Sciences, Dehradun.
  • Resource Person in three days Hands-on training on DNA Barcoding and its Applications held from 13-10-2014 to 15-10-2014, jointly organized by Department of Biotechnology, Dolphin (PG) institute of Biomedical and Natural Sciences, Dehradun, WII, Dehra Dun and ZSI, Dehradun.
  • Qualified Uttarakhand State Eligibility Test (USET).
  • Qualified ICAR-NET.

Dr. Nanda received her Ph.D. in Biotechnology from H.N.B Garhwal (Central) University, Srinagar, Uttarakhand. With over 15 years of teaching and research experience she has extensively worked on microbial bioremediation of heavy metals. She is actively engaged in studying the role of microalgae in bioremediation & biofuel generation as a sustainable resource for the development of environment friendly and cost-effective technologies for mitigation of environmental pollutants from water. She has also made significant contributions in her research expertise and has more than 40 research articles in SCI journals, 5 Book chapters and 03 Patents.