Dr. Jyotsna Misra | Faculty Biotechnology

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Dr. Jyotsna Misra
Assistant Professor

Microbial enzymology and its application in biofuel production and development of antimicrobials


  • Integrated B.Tech+M.Tech from Gautam Buddha University
  • PhD from University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA


  • Awarded PhD fellowships from Integrated program in Biochemistry (IPiB), USA, Darwin Trust of Edinburgh PhD fellowship, UK & Inspire fellowship, Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India in April 2017.
  • Awarded gold medal by Honorable Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh and Honorable Vice President of India for first rank in (Integrated B. Tech + M. Tech 5-year dual degree course) at Gautam Buddha University with CGPA 9.26/10, Batch (2011-2016).
  • Qualified Indian national level graduate aptitude test in engineering (GATE 2016) in biotechnology branch (general category) conducted by Govt. of India, in March 2016.
  • Awarded Indian national level prestigious Khorana fellowship 2015 for summer research internship at University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA in May 2015.

I joined the lab of Professor Patricia Kiley, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA to pursue my PhD thesis research in the Integrated program in Biochemistry (IPiB). I initiated a new project studying the Fe-S cluster containing proteins IspG and IspH, which catalyze the final steps of the methylerythritol phosphate (MEP) pathway. This project was funded by Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center (GLBRC) one of four US department of Energy Bioenergy Centers.