Accredited by NAAC with
grade A+ and holds
recognitions from NIRF,
AICTE, QS i-Gauge, and more.
Dr. Deepshikha Shukla
Associate Professor
Earthquake Engineering, Wind Tunnel Analysis, Natural Hazards, Soil Structure Interaction.
Dr. Deepshikha Shukla is presently working as Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering at Graphic Era University, Dehradun. She has graduated from National Institute of Technology, Raipur in 1999 followed by Masters from Ujjain Engineering College, Ujjain then PhD from Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel National Institute of Technology, Surat. She has a vast experience in the area of teaching and research. Research publications include journals of both National and International repute. Authored many research papers, book chapters and have worked on smart city projects and conducted many workshops focusing on Green Building Technologies, Smart Infrastructure Operations, Environmental and Occupational Health. Member of many professional bodies such as Institution of Engineers’ India (IEI), Indian Geotechnical Society (IGS), Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) to name a few. Research Areas include Earthquake Engineering, Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, Soil Structure Interaction, Wind Tunnel Analysis to name a few. She has organized various conferences and reviewed papers as a reviewer for National level Conferences. Has been invited as a guest speaker in the area of Sustainable Development, Climatic Change, Soil Stabilization and many more. Have guided and guiding students and researchers at M.Tech and PhD courses.