Dr. Ashish Kumar Singh | Faculty | Electronics and Communication Engineering

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Dr. Ashish Kumar Singh
Assistant Professor


  • Semiconductor Devices Physics,
  • Modelling and Simulation of low power emerging semiconductor devices,
  • 2D materials, Group III-V materials, High-K gate dielectrics,
  • Design of low Power Analog VLSI Circuits,
  • Application of semiconductor devices as Bio sensor, Light sensor, and Gas sensor.


  • Ph.D. Microelectronics, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi, India in 2023
  • M.Tech. Microelectronics and VLSI Design, National Institute of Technology, Silchar, Assam in 2017.
  • B.Tech. Electronics and Communication Engineering, Krishna Engineering College (KEC) under the affiliation of UPTU, Ghaziabad, UP in 2014.


  • Research Fellowship (JRF) (July ‟17-July ‟19) and Senior Research Fellowship (JRF) (July ‟19-Present) awarded by university grant commission (UGC) government of India to pursuing Ph.D.
  • Best Paper Award: Manas Ranjan Tripathy, Ashish Kumar Singh, et al. “Performance Investigation of a P-channel Heterojunction GaN Tunnel FET”, 2019 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and RF Conferences (IMaRC), Mumbai, India, 2019, pp. 1-4.
  • GATE (ECE) (2014, 2015) Qualified.
  • Gate scholarship for 24 months (AY: 2015-17) during M. Tech awarded by MHRD Govt. of India.


  • IEEE Professional Member (96473202)

Presently carrying more than 6 years of teaching and research experience from 2017 in the field of simulation, modelling and circuit designing of low power emerging semiconductor devices.  Currently dealing with the 2D materials, Group III-V materials, High-K gate dielectrics for the design of low power analog VLSI circuits, along with this, I am also working on some projects and patents based on the design of bio sensors, light sensors, and gas sensors. I have published several SCI and SCOPUS research papers and review  papers in some reputeted Journals like IEEE transaction of electronic device (IF-2.9), applied physics A (IF- 2.6), semiconductor science and technology (IF: 1.9), silicon journal (IF-2.8), microelectronics journal (IF-1.9), superlattices and microstructures (IF: 2.6), microelectronics reliability (IF: 1.6), international journal of electronics and communications (IF: 3.0), solid state electronics (IF: 1.2), physica scripta (IF- 2.6), ECS journal of solid state science and technology (IF- 1.8) and etc.. Also have published 4 book chapters, 3 Indian patents and 1 Book in Bentham publication.