Dr. Malathi S | Faculty | Electronics and Communication Engineering

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Dr. Malathi S


Optical MEMS, Biophotonics, Fiber Optic Sensors, Machine learning for Photonics, Optical sensors for Structural Health monitoring


  • Ph. D Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore ( 2014)
  • M. E Microwave And Optical Engineering, Madurai Kamraj University ( 1999)
  • B. E. Electronics and Communication Engineering, University of Madras (1996)


  • Received SPIE Scholarship of $1000 in 2008 – Glasgow Caledonian University
  • Received Prof. Selvarajan Grant for International Travel from IISc in 2008
  • Received Annual Exemplary Faculty Member Award on Teacher’s Day at Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences, 2023.
  • Served as Chair, IEEE Photonics Soc Bangalore chapter ( 2020-21)


  • Senior Member of Institution of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), USA.
  • Life Member the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers, India

Dr. Malathi has more than two decades of rich experience in academia and research. She has successfully completed 2 Projects as Principal Investigator and 1 as Co-PI sponsored by DST, ISRO RESPOND and AR & DB. She served in academia as Head of department and actively involved in establishing industry academia collaboration during her career. She is currently working as a Professor in Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Graphic Era Deemed to be University. She is the coordinator of National Apprenticeship Training Scheme (NATS) of GEU.