Accredited by NAAC with
grade A+ and holds
recognitions from NIRF,
AICTE, QS i-Gauge, and more.
Dr. Pradeep Kumar Juneja
Process control, Instrumentation
Dr. Pradeep joined GEIT in the year 2004 and presently working as Professor. His research interest is interdisciplinary which includes multivariable control system, prediction based control system and process control applications for complex industrial processes. He has more than 250 publications to his credit, which includes journals indexed in SCI & SCOPUS, international conference proceedings indexed in SCOPUS and abstracted in IEEExplore, Springer lecture notes/ book chapters in Taylor & Francis, books and patents. He worked as Research scholar with MHRD scholarship at IIT Roorkee for two years. He also worked as Research Project Associate at IIT Kanpur. He attended various short term courses including two weeks short term course on Application of Mathematical Sciences in Engineering and Technology at IIT Kanpur and advanced workshop Mission10 X Faculty Development Program conducted by Wipro. He has taught 30 different courses to B.Tech./ M.Tech./ Ph.D. students. He has guided 15 M. Tech. dissertations.