Dr. Vinay Kumar | Faculty | Electronics and Communication Engineering

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Dr. Vinay Kumar
Associate Professor


VLSI, MOSFET, Application of various carbon nanostructures and 2D structures for Electronics Devices.


  • PhD, Nanoelectronics, Delhi Technological University, Delhi, India in 2018.
  • M. Tech. Nanotechnology from Delhi Technological University, Delhi, India in 2012.
  • B.Tech. Electronics and Communication Engineering from University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, India in 2009.


  • Commendable Researcher award for research during the year 2018 at Delhi Technological University, Delhi in 2019.
  • GATE (ECE) (2010, 2009) Qualified
  • Gate scholarship for 24 months (AY: 2010-12) during M. Tech awarded by MHRD Govt. of India.


  • IEEE Professional Member

Presently carrying more than 10 years of teaching and research experience since 2012 in the field of synthesis of various carbon nanostructures and carbon-structured 2D materials for Electronics Devices. I have published several SCI and SCOPUS research papers in Journals with high impact factors like Silicon (IF-2.941), Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics (IF: 2.779), Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics (IF: 3.409), Optical Materials (IF: 3.754), Journal of Rare Earths (IF: 4.632), Journal of Luminescence (IF: 4.171) Journal of alloys and compounds (IF: 6.371). Applied Surface Science, (I.F. 7.392), Nanoscale (I.F. 8.307 Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry (I. F. 2.747).). Also published book chapters in Opto-VLSI Book Taylor & Francis CRC Press.