Learning Outcomes | Food Science and Technology

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Learning Outcomes

S. No.


Learning Outputs


B. Sc. Food Technology

1: Apply fundamental knowledge of basic principles and processes underlying food science.

2: Impart analytical knowledge of other multi-disciplinary sciences.

3: Develop lifelong learning skills to work independently in entrepreneurship management.

4: Create critical thinking abilities in research for reaching reliable conclusions.

5: Understand conceptual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal, cultural issues and responsibilities relevant to the professional practice.

6: Acquire the ability to understand regulatory norms and learn about ethical practices in the pursuit of food science.

7: Inculcate computational, oratory and managerial skills to emerge as a responsible leader in the food sector.


M. Sc. Food Technology

1: Apply advanced knowledge of the technological principles underlying food science.

2: Impart analytical knowledge of other multidisciplinary sciences.

3: Develop lifelong working skills to work independently as an entrepreneur.

4: Create critical thinking abilities in research to reach reliable conclusions.

5: Inculcate knowledge and develop skills for the required work in research labs and allied industries.

6: Acquired the ability to understand regulatory norms and learn about ethical practices in the pursuit of food science.

7: Critically assess and analyze food science information available in society in an innovative and ethical way.


B. Sc. Nutrition & Dietetics

1: Apply fundamental knowledge of basic principles and processes underlying food science and nutrition.

2: Impart analytical knowledge of other multi-disciplinary sciences.

3: Develop lifelong learning skills to work independently in entrepreneurship management.

4: Create critical thinking abilities in research for reaching reliable conclusions.

5: Understanding conceptual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal, cultural issues and responsibilities relevant to the professional practice.

6: Acquire the ability to understand regulatory norms and learn about ethical practice in pursuit of food science.

7: Inculcate computational, oratory and managerial skills to emerge as a responsible leader in the food sector.


M. Sc. Foods & Nutrition

1: Apply advanced knowledge of food science, nutrition and dietetics.

2: Impart analytical knowledge of other multidisciplinary sciences.

3: Learn lifelong skills to work independently as an entrepreneur.

4: Develop critical thinking abilities in research to reach reliable conclusions.

5: Inculcate knowledge and develop skills for working in research labs, health sector and allied industries.

6: Acquire understanding of different specializations of foods and nutrition like sports nutrition, nutraceuticals and institutional food management.

7: Critically assess and analyze the knowledge of foods and nutrition available in society in an innovative and ethical way.

Niche Areas of Research

S. No.

Research Cluster

Faculty Names

Research Area


Algal Research

Dr. Vinod Kumar

Er. Bhawna Bisht

·     Biofuels and bioenergy from algae

·     Algae based nutraceuticals & value-added product

·     3-D printing and its role in food technology

·     Removal of flue gases by algae for production of bioelectricity and biofuel

·     Wastewater treatment by microalgae


Bioprocess & Food Engineering

Dr. Bindu Naik

Dr. Arun Kumar Gupta

·     Valorization of underutilized fruits and vegetables

·     New product development

·     Novel processing of food materials

·     Fermentation & enzyme processing


Food Science & Nutrition

Dr. Sanjay Kumar

Dr. Ankita Dobhal

Ms. Saloni Joshi

·     Food processing & food engineering

·     Value addition of food products

·     Nutritional assessment of different target groups

·     Public health nutrition and intervention

·     Formulation of functional foods