Learning Outcomes

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  •  To create centre of excellence in the fields of Economics, Psychology, Political Science, English and other liberal arts through outcome and value based education, training & research.
  • To develop an academic entity that is at the forefront of research and training in the Humanities and Social Sciences.
  • To facilitate academic progress of students by encouraging them to actively participate in internship, conferences, seminars, workshops.


  •  The mission of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences is to develop and maintain academic curriculum and co-curricular activities that help students acquire a broad based knowledge in their chosen field of study.
  •  To enable the students should acquire the intellectual, communication skills and develop characteristics that encourage personal fulfillment, meaningful professional life   and responsible citizenship.

Learning Outcomes

B.A Economics (H)

Programme Name:B.A Economics (H)

Programme Code:BAHE

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs): The programme aims to

  • PEO1:To be able to identify, explain and use economic concepts, theories, models, and data analytic techniques.
  • PEO2:To acquire and use knowledge of economics, mathematics, statistics and learning economic history in a variety of contexts, providing the foundation for success in graduate studies and careers in the public and private sector.
  • PEO3: To be able to apply the economic tools to formulate positions on a wide range of social and economic problems and engage effectively in policy debates.

Program Outcomes: The graduate will be able to

  • PO1: Critical Thinking :To create analytical ability to evaluate the operations of households, business, government and markets under varying competitive conditions.
  • PO2: Effective Communication: To learn Economics as a way of thinking and become effective communicators and active team players.
  • PO3: Social Interaction:Ability to question, analyze and conduct investigative study into the economic issues, financial institutions, consumers and government.
  • PO4: Effective Citizenship-Demonstrate empathetic social concern and equity centred national development and ability to act with an informed awareness of issues and participate in civic life through volunteering.
  • PO5: Ethics: Display knowledge to cultivate a better understanding of moral dimensions of decision making also values of life at all stages.
  • PO6: Environment and Sustainability:Ability to develop better understanding regarding the issues of poverty ,malnutrition women empowerment, gender equality and human rights and enable to express and apply them in day to day life and to develop awareness on sustainable development goals.
  • PO7: Self directed and life long Learning: To equip the students to acquire the higher managerial positions in industry and business, careers in policy making and public service
    Ability to think independently and be aware of their own capabilities and strengths and able to plan for their future careers.

Program Specific Outcomes: 

  • PS01:To inculcate the ability to employ the basic as well as advanced economic analysis in their decision making skills.
  • PSO2:To understand the behaviour of Indian and World Economy.
  • PSO3: To determine economic variables including inflation,unemployment,poverty gdp using statistical methods.
  • PSO4: To provide the students the opportunity of obtaining a professional qualification in economics focusing on the advanced practical areas and to apply the concepts of economics efficiently in their professional forum.

B.A Political Science (H)

Programme Name: B.A Political Science (H)  

Programme Code: BAPS

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs): The programme aims to

  • PEO1: To be able to demonstrate an ability to conduct political science research involving the development of research questions, gathering and collecting data, quantitative and qualitative analysis, and presenting the results in a logical and professional manner.
  • PEO2: Exhibiting enhanced ability to think critically and make arguments across a range of social science topics and to communicate effectively in debates and discussions.
  • PEO3: Provide students the basic knowledge and skills to pursue public or non-profit sector work locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally.

Program Outcomes: The graduate will be able to

  • PO1: To understand the nature of politics, public values, and the institutions and processes of politics in various forms and be able to appreciate the knowledge and civic responsibilities required for effective participation in political life.
  • PO2: To be able to distinguish among the leading schools of thought in political science and apply these approaches in understanding and explaining domestic and international political phenomena.
  • PO3: To have an in-depth understanding of political institutions and processes in different countries and be able to think critically about various dilemmas, including achieving justice, in political life.
  • PO4: To demonstrate and enhance the ability to critically think and make arguments across a range of social science topic that is grounded in various schools of political thought.
  • PO5: To be able to apply the knowledge of the subject to closely follow the debates around the texts and engage in analysis of the primary text.
  • PO6: To be able to explain and evaluate a sophisticated conception of justice and be able to describe situations in which justice concerns arise.
  • PO7: To be able to demonstrate an ability to communicate effectively through their written work. Students will be prepared to pursue public or non-profit sector work, and/or graduate studies in political science or public administration, or law school.

Program Specific outcomes:

  • PS01: Capacity to think critically in evaluating the platforms of political parties and the impact of leadership changes.
  • PS02: Ability to design and undertake individual research and persue higher studies in political science or any other discipline.
  • PS03: Development of the intellectual capacity and higher level skills such as critique and synthesis to function as legislatures and policy analysts.
  • PS04: Proficiency in writing and verbal skills to be able to excel in multi layered communication as national and global think tank.

B.A. Psychology (H)

Programme Name: B.A. Psychology (H) 

Programme Code: BAHP

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs): The programme aims to

  • PEO1:To disseminate knowledge related to the field of Psychology and provide the students with necessary exposure to develop an interest in the domain and thus prepare them for careers to this specific field.
  • PEO2: Understand and value different branches and emerging fields of Psychology.
  • PEO3: To comprehend the essential processes underlying human behavior and the process of human development and change from biological and psychosocial perspectives.

Program Outcomes: The graduate will be able to

  • PO1: To comprehend the essential processes underlying human behavior and the process of human development and change from biological and psychosocial perspectives.
  • PO2: Effective Communication: Speak, read, write and listen clearly in person and through electronic media in English and in one Indian language, and make meaning of the world by connecting people, ideas, books, media and technology.
  • PO3: Social Interaction: Elicit views of others, mediate disagreements and help reach conclusions in group settings.
  • PO4: Effective Citizenship: Demonstrate empathetic social concern and equity centred national development, and the ability to act with an informed awareness of issues and participate in civic life through volunteering.
  • PO5: Ethics: Recognize different value systems including your own, understand the moral dimensions of your decisions, Manual for Universities NAAC for Quality and Excellence in Higher Education 152 and accept responsibility for them.
  • PO6: Environment and Sustainability: Understand the issues of environmental contexts and sustainable development.
  • PO7: Self-directed and Life-long Learning: Acquire the ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context socio-technological change.

Program Specific outcomes:

  • PS01: The students will learn the major concepts, theoretical perspectives, empirical findings, and historical trends in Psychology.
  • PS02: Critical thinking skills, creativity and inquiry are an important component of Psychology therefore the students will develop scientific approach to analyzing the problems related to behavior and mental processes, evaluate evidence and use research theories in finding solutions.
  • PS03: Students will understand and apply basic research methods in Psychology, including research design, data analysis, and interpretation.
  • PS04: Students will understand and apply psychological principles to personal, social, and organizational issues and cultivate the mindset that would ensure that they are able to tolerate behavioral ambiguity and act ethically.

B.A. English (H) 

Programme Name: B.A. English (H) 

Programme Code: BAHE

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs): The programme aims to

  • PEO1: Enlighten students about the artistry and utility of the English language for channelizing skills of creative writing so that they can compete in the job market for creative writing, proofreading and journalism.
  • PEO2: Train students to write analytically in a variety of formats, including essays, research papers, reflective writing, and critical reviews of secondary sources making them fit for copyrighting, publishing and editing jobs.
  • PEO3: Prepare students to undertake research, analysis, and criticism of literary and cultural texts from different historical periods and genres to enable them to chalk out a career in academia.
  • PEO4: Enable students to design and undertake individual research which will contribute significantly to his/her intellectual ,cultural and societal developments.
  • PEO5: Develop critical faculties, necessary in an academic environment, on the job, and in a globalized world.
  • PEO6: Creates passion to engage in life long learning students in the development of intellectual flexibility, creativity, and cultural literacy so that they may engage in life-long learning.

Program Outcomes: The graduate will be able to

  • PO1: Critical Thinking: Ability to critically analyze literary texts and substantiate  their assumptions with primary and secondary sources.
  • PO2: Effective Communication: Ability to identify, speak and write about genres, forms, periods, movements in English Literature as well as the ability to understand and engage with literary-critical concepts, theories and categories.
  • PO3: Social Interaction: Cultivate ability to look at and evaluate literary texts as a field of study and as part of the wider network of local and global culture. Demonstrate a coherent, systematic knowledge and understanding with regard to the political, social and cultural situations portrayed in the literary texts.
  • PO4: Effective Citizenship: Have the ability to ponder, articulate and demonstrate his/her role as conscious citizen of India. To enable students to develop an awareness of the linguistic-cultural richness of India as an important outcome of English literary studies in India.
  • PO5: Ethics: Cultivate knowledge for better understanding of ethical values that guides them in life at all stages. Apply ethical practices in all kinds of composition and research writing.
  • PO6: Environment and Sustainability: Develop environment consciousness and work towards fulfillment of sustainable development goals
  • PO7: Self-directed and Life-long Learning: Arousing the interests of the students. To have self -motivation to assimilate the ever widening horizon of knowledge. Make more meaningful choices regarding career after completion of graduate program, in mass media, journalism, aviation communication and personality development and teaching English at different levels.

Program Specific outcomes:

  • PS01: Create heightened awareness in social, cultural, ethnicity, ecology and gender through literature.
  • PS02: Ability to engage with relevant scholarly works in order to develop one’s own critical point of view and present one’s views coherently and persuasively.
  • PS03: Develop analytical, research-oriented and organizational skills.
  • PS04: Cultivate and develop physical, intellectual, emotional, aesthetic, ethical and spiritual values to become conscientious citizen.

B.A. Sociology (H) 

Programme Name: B.A. Sociology (H) 

Programme Code: BAHP

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs): The programme aims to

  • PEO1: To be able to identify, explain and apply social concepts, theories, models, and data analytic techniques.
  • PEO2: To acquire and develop knowledge of society, social pattern, social structure and social behaviour, providing the foundation for success in graduate studies and careers in the public and private sector.
  • PEO3: To be able to apply the theories to formulate public policies on a wide range of social problems and engage effectively in policy debates.
  • PEO4: To apply the analytical skills necessary for conducting original research in sociology and participating effectively in project teams.
  • PEO5: To be able to deliver effective presentations in which they combine visual communication design with oral arguments and/ or the written word.

Program Outcomes: The graduate will be able to

  • PO1: Critical Thinking: Analytical ability to evaluate the social concepts and role of social processes concerned with the operation of social institutions.
  • PO2: Effective Communication: Ability to communicate effectively and clearly with individuals and in groups and to present ideas to a broad audience using verbal and nonverbal clues. They become conversant with all modes of communication.
  • PO3: Ability to deal with the socio-cultural and interpersonal processes of a persistently changing complex society.
  • PO4: Effective Citizenship: Ability to demonstrate accepted social behaviour and responsibilities as a conscious citizen and ability to act with an informed awareness of issues and participate in civic life through volunteering.
  • PO5: Ethics: It will inculcate a sense of ethical and social responsibility among the graduates and also an Ability to apply ethical approaches to social processes and practices to achieve collective well being.
  • PO6: Environment and Sustainability: Ability to understand social issues and to develop sustainable solutions and their effects on society and environment.
  • PO7:Ability to become adaptable to changes in social patterns and technology to address societal issues. They are suitable for the fields such as law, social work, bureaucracy, public institutions and policy studies.

Program Specific outcomes:

  • PS01: To enable the students to think critically about societies and social issues.
  • PS02: To understand the insights on social institutions , patterns, structure and behaviour.
  • PS03: To develop an ability to employ the basic as well as advanced sociological concepts and theories to the real life situations.
  • PS04:To provide the students the opportunity of obtaining a professional qualification in Sociology focusing on the contemporary practical applications and toapply the concepts of sociology efficiently in their professional forum.

Learning Outputs and Competencies

  • Develop an awareness of the various career opportunities and options within the hospitality industry.
  • Understand the importance of outstanding guest-service quality, server-guest relationships and ethics.
  • Comprehend, synthesize and evaluate elements of professional service management.
  • Experience a “real life” experience in the hospitality industry.
  • Demonstrate the skills and behaviors required during customer involvement to analyze, judge and act in ways that contribute to customer satisfaction.
  • Define and explain food production terms and principles, including food safety and sanitation practices, apply key principles in operating foodservice establishments, and evaluate and critique the effectiveness of such applications.
  • Evaluate, analyze and determine the application of human resource theories and principles in maximizing employee performance, employee retention and customer (internal and external) service.
  • Explain the application of technology in various hospitality industry segments and in different organizational functional areas.
  • Apply strategic management principles to hospitality business operations in maximizing the accomplishment of organizational goals and objectives.
  • Evaluate, analyze and determine the application of service marketing theories and principles in promoting hospitality businesses.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of and experience in operations relative to the provision of goods and services in hospitality management.
  • Describe physical and perpetual inventory systems.
  • Acquire knowledge of a global perspective and diversity issues as related to hospitality management.
  • Evaluate the economic, social and/or environmental impacts of hospitality business practices on the local communities in which they operate.

Niche Areas of Research

  •  International & Domestic Tourism
  •  Customer Relation & Retention
  •  Hospitality Marketing
  •  Market Trends
  • Customer Satisfaction
  •  Rural Tourism
  • Culinary Tourism
  • Destination Development & Marketing

Admissions Open 2025

The application process at Graphic Era is strictly based on the Merit of the qualifying examination with the entire Admission Process available for completion online