International Projects

C.V Raman International fellowship

1. C.V Raman International fellowship

   Title : C.V Raman International fellowship
   Sponsored by :Ministry of Science & Technology (FICCI), Government of India
   Scholar :Mr. Denis Ndanguza Rusatsi, HOD in the Department of Applied Mathematics    at University of Rwanda, Rwanda.
   Topic of the Project : Bayesian Analysis of SEIR epidemic models
   Guide :Dr. Pankaj Kumar Jha, Faculty of Management Studies

2. Title :C.V Raman International fellowship

   Sponsored by :Ministry of Science & Technology (FICCI), Government of India for 50 days
   Resource Person : Mr.  Sam Kaisiromwe Scientist, Uganda bureau of statistics

Dr. Pankaj Kumar Jha

Department : Faculty of Management Studies
B.Sc. – Ramjas College, Delhi University
M.Sc.- Delhi University
Ph. D – H.N.B.Garhwal (central) University

Admissions Open 2025

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