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In pursuance of the National Action Plan of the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), Bangalore, for performance evaluation, assessment and accreditation and quality upgradation of institutions of higher education, the NAAC proposes that every accredited institution establish an Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) as a post-accreditation quality sustenance measure. Since quality enhancement is a continuous process, the IQAC will become a part of an institution’s system and work towards realizing the goals of quality enhancement and sustenance. The prime task of the IQAC is to develop a system for conscious, consistent and catalytic improvement in the performance of institutions. The IQAC will make a significant and meaningful contribution in the post-accreditation phase of institutions. During the post-accreditation period, the IQAC will channelize the efforts and measures of an institution towards academic excellence.


  • To create and encourage an environment for healthy and effective use of student service facilities and suggest methods for its improvement.
  • To help interlink students, faculty members, staff and management of the University effectively to forge a strong academic community.
  • Liaison library facilities, maintenance of the campus and other student service facilities.To suggest and implement student projects for their holistic development.
  • Creation of pleasant ambiance for effective use of student services.
  • Student perspectives in the development of Arts, Culture, Sports, Games, and other co- curricular/extra-curricular activities involving student participation.
  • To implement universities code of conduct among the students to create conducive atmosphere.
  • To eliminate ragging menace in the campus.
  • To improve alumni connects to improve alumni contributions.

The MAIN FUNCTIONS of IQAC Unit include administrative and accounting support:

  • Since quality enhancement is a continuous process, the IQAC becomes a part of the institution’s system and works towards realization of the goals of quality enhancement and sustenance.
  • Mentoring, Monitoring, and Development of Standard Formats/templates for Documentations, QP, Budgets, accreditation, and various other relevant documents of various programmes leading to quality improvement.
  • Develop the Calendar of Events for various activities of IQAC.
  • Establish and Constitute Various Institutional Committees.
  • Maintenance of institutional database through MIS (Approvals, Institutional info, various programme budgets, Faculty and Students info, R&D info, Patent info, Intl. students info.), leading to quality improvement.
  • University’s policy, procedures and guideline documents related to Teaching, learning, and assessment.
  • Arrangement for feedback responses from students, parents and other stakeholders on quality related institutional processes.
  • Collaborate with campus stakeholders in various programme.
  • Arrange brainstorming sessions by eminent personalities from industry, R& D organizations.
  • Quality assurance based on Approval, Annual Monitoring and Periodic Review. These processes are used as a mechanism for assuring and maintaining the standard of the University’s awards as well as the quality of the student learning experience.
  • Supervising and Monitoring of the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) of the University based on the quality parameters/assessment criteria developed by the relevant quality assurance body (like NAAC, NBA) in the prescribed formats.
  • Supervise and Monitor accreditation activities as per the norms of UGC /AICTE and NAAC/ NBA/NIRF ranking etc.


Build a conscious, transparent, and reliable quality culture in attaining realistic quality benchmarks for overall development, contributing towards the

excellence which leverages social advancement and benefits humanity as a whole

IQAC Mission:

  • To develop and expand Quality culture that aligns well with institutional mission and strategic plan.
  • To channelize and systematize the efforts and measures towards academic excellence.
  • To establish student-centric environment and encourage department for using modern teaching and evaluation methods to inculcate value-based education system.
  • To ensure an effective and transparent operations to achieve excellence inacademic, administrative and financial activities.
  • To encourage departments to organize Seminars, Symposium, and Faculty development programs and develop standard templates for documentation leading to quality improvement.
  • To assess annual progress of departments and university through timely internal and external audits.
  • Cherish the learning journey, be truthful to oneself and society, nurturing humanity

Important Links


Feedback from Various Stakeholders


Academic and Administrative Audit (AAA)

Feedback Analysis & ATR

Strategic Plan


IIQA Submission

SSR Copy Submitted to NAAC

NAAC DVV Clarification

Operation Features

Student Satisfaction Survey

AQAR Reports, IQAC MOM and ATR

Best Practices and Institutional Distinctiveness

Academic Calendar

Admissions Open 2025

The application process at Graphic Era is strictly based on the Merit of the qualifying examination with the entire Admission Process available for completion online