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Dr. Vikram Kumar
Assistant Professor
Dr. Vikram Kumar is an Assistant Professor (Research) at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Graphic Era Deemed to be University, Dehradun, India. He received his PhD degree from Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur in 2018. After his Ph.D. he was awarded Senior Research Associateship by Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (India) to pursue research at IIT Kanpur. Dr. Vikram is the recipient of best Ph.D. thesis award (2018) from International Society for Energy, Environment and Sustainability, India. His areas of research include two broader aspects: (1) Tribology which includes: Polymer and composite coating; wear, friction, and lubrication; (2) I C Engin: fuel injection system for gaseous fuel, alternative fuels, advanced combustion technology, engine emissions measurement, particulate characterization, and spray diagnosis using Phase Doppler Interferometry and Mie Scattering. He has published 25 high-impact factor journal papers, 13 book chapters, 16 conference papers, co-filed 3 patents, and co-edited 6 books, which have 800 citations, with an h-index of 14 and an i10-index of 24, his research underscores his significant and influential contributions to the field. He is a lifetime member of ISEES