Facilities | Paramedical Science

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Department has well experienced and qualified faculties who have achieved  their degrees or worked with institutes of National and International repute and are highly devoted to teaching as well as research.






Microscopes, Centrifuge, Gel Documentation system, spectrophotometer, Millipore water purification, HPLC, FT-IR

Microbial Technology

Microscope, Bioreactor, Laminar air flow, Shaker incubators

Molecular Biology

Thermal cycler, Electrophoresis unit, Gel-Doc system, ELISA Plate Reader

Plant Tissue Culture

Photoperiodic racks, Laminar air flow, BOD incubator, Polyhouse facility

Hybridoma and

Animal Cell Culture

CO2 Incubators, Laminar air flow, Microscope (Inverted, Fluorescent with image analysis system)


MATLAB, Data Mining softwares, Molecular Modeling and Molecular Dynamics simulation softwares.

Launch your career with us. Experienced faculty, hands-on learning, and industry connections.