Dr. Md Fahim Ansari | Faculty | Electrical Engineering

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Dr. Md Fahim Ansari


Power System, Renewable Energy, High Voltage applications for food preservation, Solar Energy etc.


  • Ph. D, NITTTR Chandigarh
  • M. Tech. (Power System and Drives) AMU Aligarh
  • B.Tech. Electrical Engineering (MIT)


  • MHRD Scholarship for 2 years during M.Tech from, Government of India.
  • GATE Qualified.

Dr Md Fahim Ansari, has more than 16 years teaching research and administrative experience in various institute/University. He has works as Full Professor and Research Coordinator in Buraidah Engineering College Saudi Arabia. He has more than 45 research article in SCI/Scopus journal as well as in international/national conference. He has guided one PhD and 14 M.Tech. scholars. He is reviewer of various journals such as IEEE, Elsevier, Taylor and Francis. He has chaired several international conferences. He has worked as organizing secretory as well as Convener in International conference.